Our eyes can become dry due to a reduced tear supply or due to a poor-quality tear film. A good tear film is necessary to keep the eye comfortably moisturised, to help protect against infection and to help wash away debris and dust particles. You can develop dry eyes at any age, although its more common in people over 65 years of age.

What are the Symptoms of Dry Eye?

The symptoms of dry eye range from discomfort, a gritty sensation, an itchy feeling, a burning sensation, focussing problems, and also excessive eye watering (this is caused as a reaction to the dryness resulting in a sudden watering of the eyes).

What Can Cause Dry Eye?

Working in an air-conditioned space, or in a dry/dusty or windy environment can cause eyes to become dry. Concentrated reading or computer use can also lead to a reduced blinking rate which can also result in a dry eye. Additionally, some medical conditions & medications can cause dry eyes, as well as hormonal changes and pregnancy. Your alcohol consumption as well as dehydration can also lead to the eyes to becoming dry.


As well as addressing the issues listed above, we can supply an ‘eye bag’. These ‘eye bags’ can be heated & applied to the eyes to soften and warm the tear glands to increase tear production. We can also supply preservative free eye drops to lubricate the eyes and reduce irritation, as well as eye gels to provide a longer lasting lubricating remedy. Consuming a healthy diet with a good intake of Omega-3 fatty acids and maintaining good hydration levels can also help with easing the symptoms of Dry Eye. If you are experiencing symptoms of dry eye call one of practices to arrange an appointment with one of our optometrists, or fill out our booking request form and one of our optical assistants will be in touch to book you an appointment.